Ground Pork is Back in Stock! And Lamb Stew Meat is ON SALE

There are three pickup locations for our CSA; Hidden Villa, Los Altos and Palo Alto.

Hidden Villa

Pickups at Hidden Villa are on either Tuesday or Thursday beginning at 3pm and available until noon the following day, Wednesday and Friday respectively. All shares, both produce and flowers will be held in our walk-in cooler. The walk-in is located at the very front of the Hidden Villa property. Once you've turned onto the property you will make an immediate left into the gravel parking lot, the walk-in cooler will be to your right.

Los Altos

Pickups in Los Altos are on Tuesdays on Jay street near where El Monte meets Springer road. Shares in this location are available beginning at 4pm on Tuesdays and continuing until noon Wednesday. This location is the front porch of a CSA member. Out of respect for their privacy we don't disclose their exact address here. We will contact you before the season begins with those details.

Palo Alto

Pickups in Palo Alto are on Thursdays on Bryant street between Seale and Lowell Ave. Shares in this location are available beginning at 4pm on Thursdays and continuing until noon Friday. This location is the front porch of a CSA member. Out of respect for their privacy we don't disclose their exact address here. We will contact you before the season begins with those details.

Where to Find Your Order Meat, Egg and Fiber Order

Hidden Villa Farm Stand

Our farm stand is located at the entrance of the farm. Our address is:

26870 Moody Road

Los Altos, CA 94022 

Our farm stand is the white stucco building located in the CSA parking lot, which is the gravel lot on your immediate left as you pull into the farm from Moody Road. To let yourself in, walk around to the back side of the building and use the access code sent to you in your pick up notification to unlock the door using the keypad on the door handle. You'll find your order bagged and labeled with your name inside the upright freezer. If you've ordered eggs, they'll be in the small fridge compartment atop the freezer. Keep in mind that lock combinations will change regularly, so be sure to use the one that corresponds with the order you're picking up.